Things to do in Margate
Things to do in Margate: Crap pubs, the Turner, crab jokes
Margate news and happenings, including the funniest crab joke ever, comedy at the Tom Thumb, and who is part of Chaka Khan's Meltdown
Things to do in Margate
Margate news and happenings, including the funniest crab joke ever, comedy at the Tom Thumb, and who is part of Chaka Khan's Meltdown
Things to do in London
London stuff, from a new food festival featuring Margate's own Picnic Deli to landmark exhibitions.
Things to do in Thanet and beyond
Strange Tourist is a culture and lifestyle newsletter and website that focuses on creative Thanet - that's the Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate trifecta, and London too. While things are only just getting started, Strange Tourist connects seaside Kent communities who have one foot facing the capital. It focuses