Things to do: Strawberries, Thali &Things, George & Heart
New events, places to go, things to eat and more around Thanet and beyond, including barbecues, cocktails, strawberries picking, a Charles Dickens festival, a kids bike ride and more

Upcoming events, things to do, and edible treats in Margate, Broadstairs, Ramsgate and beyond.
George and Heart on King Street in Margate has declared summer is officially on with the opening of the pub’s Summer Bar & Grill which kicked off yesterday, Friday, June 14. It’s open every weekend during the summer, with menus shared on Instagram.
Pop up Indian thali night, Thali & Things is coming to Margate. You may have tried it at Camden Arms in Ramsgate, where it has been plating up a selection of home-style Indian dishes on traditional thali plates on various evenings from September last year. Find it at Faith in Strangers for one night on July 19. Book here.
TKE Studios will exhibit the first cohort of residency artists. The Tracey Emin Artist Residency Final Show opens June 30th.
Broadstairs Dickens Festival runs across this weekend, until Sunday, June 16 for the 87th time. Pull on your bloomers and pop on your bonnet for Punch and Judy, a Dickensian Beach Party, and a performance of Oliver Twist. More programming details here.
Picnic Deli in Margate is championing the afternoon tipple with their Apero hour. £5 negronis, aperols or Campari Spritz. Partner this up with a £5 snack plate. On weekdays, 4pm-6pm.
Ramsgate welcomes a massive new restaurant/cafe/bar. Perico Lounge opened at the town’s Royal Sands development on June 12. A brunch spot serving eggy classics, as well as an extensive menu for later in the day including sandwiches, burgers, tapas and big plates. Find it at Unit 1 Beach Drive, Ramsgsate, CT11 8HF. Also, they’re looking for employees.
Margate Bike Club will put on a kids ride Sunday, July 7. Starting at midday from the pirate play park, peddle leisurely to Captain Digbys, for soft play, beach play and drinks. Ride is aimed for primary school aged kids, who must wear a helmet and be accompanied by an adult. Free.

York Street Gallery in Ramsgate hosts the annual Isle of Thanet Photographic Society exhibition, June 12-19. Open 10.30am-4pm.
Don’t forget the Ramsgate International Film Festival is on this month, running June 25-30. Sessions start from free, across various venues in town and cover shorts, documentary, features and pilots. Look out for screenings that come with a Q&A after the show.
Dreamland has announced this year’s Margate Pride Dreamland Drag Party. On 6pm-11pm, August 10, the line up includes Jodie Harsh, Bimini, Margate Pride co-founder Amy Zing and local queens Dame Jame, Janet District Council, Pretzel Cage and Shelly Grotto. Social Singing Choir will also return to the outdoor stage. Tickets for this are £10.
For Margate Pride, Dreamland also has free family programming during the day. Expect talks and sessions from Margate Black Pride, Para Pride, Parental Acceptance, Queer Refugees Unite and a slew of other great organisations. Look out for queer beauty pageant MX Margate as well, serving a queer take on the Miss Margate comps of yesteryear. Dreamland’s Hall by the Sea will also host the Margate’s first-ever Youth Pride with plenty of activities for 13-19 year-olds.
Getting out of Thanet, Naomi: In Fashion opens at V&A on June 22 in London and features some of the iconic pieces Naomi Campbell has worn in her 40-year career. Former Vogue editor Edward Enniful also curates a series of photos as part of the exhibition. Tickets £18.
Pick your own strawberries and potentially cherries (if there are any left) at the Felderland PYO Farm near Sandwich, which will also have raspberries, plums, apples and blackberries when theirs season comes. Check the farm's social media for availability and punnets start from £7.
Writers wanting a kick in the butt or to just get out of the house, Writer's Block is on at Friday June 21 & 28, 9.30am-12pm. Held at Marine Studios Margate, you have three hours to write whatever you like. This is also ongoing, usually every two weeks. DM to book.
Newish queer space for Ramsgate, Salon du Miel will host the Carnival of Souls variety show on Saturday, June 29, at 8pm. Featuring comedy and songs from Kate McGarry, comedienne Cathy White, Pirate Sea Shanties, fusion belly dance, and a whole lot of other acts you wouldn't catch at your average variety show. Tickets £10. 8 Broad St, Ramsgate, CT11 8QY